
Parent Council

One of our four core values is "Family Commitment" because we depend on volunteers to support our programs, activities and events. Parent Council leads this effort, and we invite every parent to get involved, whether you have a lot of time to share or just a little!

The 2024-2025 President of Parent Council is Tory Newby. The council is open to all families of Trinity Episcopal School as well as its preschool division, Blue House Preschool.

A Spot for Everyone

Parent Council meets every other month, and volunteers are needed throughout the year to help with ongoing programs as well as one-off events. There are tons of ways to get involved no matter your time commitment, whether you want to help students out of cars at carpool one morning or be part of a team of parents who plan a schoolwide event.

Executive Positions

Past President
President Elect
Vice President, Policy & Bylaws
Vice President, Membership


These Parent Council committees oversee most but not all volunteer opportunities at Blue House Preschool and Trinity Episcopal School.

Altar Guild

Provides enrichment to all of the events hosted by Jane Hill Chapel. The Altar Guild Chairpersons will organize volunteers to bring flowers on Monday for the altar at chapel, assist each Monday morning putting flowers out for chapel, assist with the Flowering of the Cross ceremony, assist the acolytes before chapel, maintain cleanliness of the acolytes robes, and manage the Pastries for Parents events after Holiday chapels. Chairpersons will also organize volunteers to decorate the school grounds for the Christmas season.

Art Show

The Spring Art Show is a week of celebrating visual arts at Trinity and displaying artwork from the entire Trinity student body. Typically there is an evening reception for parents to view the art before the Middle School Musical.

Book Festival

Book Festival is an annual fundraising event for Trinity's library system that also promotes the importance of literacy in our community and benefits Trinity's libraries. The goal is to raise funds for the procurement of books to increase our library collections, to support our teachers through the purchase of books for classrooms, to enhance learning for our students through visits from guest authors and/or book talks, and to illustrate the importance of the joy of reading to our community.

Faculty & Staff Appreciation

Coordinates events/treats throughout the school year for Trinity's faculty and staff to honor these special people for their hard work and dedication to the Trinity students and community.

Grandparents & Special Friends Day

This committee will welcome grandparents and/or special friends to campus and let them get a hands-on feel, alongside their student(s), of the Trinity experience. This typically includes a Friday morning breakfast, an all-school chapel, followed by classroom visits.

Lunch Coordinator

Organizes lunch volunteers to serve daily at Lower School lunch.

School Spirit

In charge of Snow Cone Day, both Spirit Days, and the Middle School Spirit Magnets. Snow Cone Day is a social event for all Trinity students and their families the day before school starts. The Spirit Days are during the school day for all families to attend that will support Trinity sports where you can cheer on our team!

Tornado Dads

Organizes Dad's Breakfasts, runs Wednesday morning carpool, supports the Trinity Olympics and more. The Dad's Breakfast is held twice a year, fall and spring, and includes a speaker welcomed into our community to speak on a topic of general interest to the parents. Tornado Dads Carpool helps give the staff a weekly break from carpool duties, traditionally on Wednesdays. In addition, the TDC may also choose to man morning carpool when temperatures dip below 40 degrees. It is an opportunity for dads to meet new faces at our school. Tornado Dads also support the Trinity Olympics and Altar Guild Committee. This may include organizing, preparing, and serving BBQ to the faculty and staff at Trinity Olympics.

Trinity Olympics

Trinity Olympics is an end-of-year field day extravaganza for all students. It is divided into a morning session attended by the Lower School students, and an afternoon session attended by the Middle School students. Parent volunteers lead the students in small groups from station to station. Hallmarks of the Trinity Olympics are lots of water and fun music. Types of activities include a water slide, an obstacle course, and a dunking booth. It is a highly anticipated, fun-filled event.

Uniform Resale

The Uniform Resale program collects and conducts the sale of gently worn uniforms for Trinity families. Uniform Resale serves as a fundraising and school service program for Parent Council initiatives.